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Potential versus performance

Why do smart people do silly things?

Why is self belief and confidence so fragile?

Professionally and personally I have always been curious about what makes people ‘tick’ and fascinated by the way we all see the world differently. No matter the talent or capability of an individual, the variable nature of their performance and self-belief remained a mystery and I was interested to understand more about this. 

In my career as a Learning and Development professional, coach, facilitator and consultant I have worked with leaders through to teams at the customer facing end of business. I’ve supported individuals and organisations to overcome challenges and make the most of their unlimited potential. I’ve explored motivational and psychological theories, I’ve studied behavioural preference models and used various tools and techniques. I’ve implemented behavioural frameworks and designed development strategies, all with the purpose of finding that ‘thing’ that would make a sustainable difference to motivation, performance and well-being. 

In 2012, in my continuing study of human development, I was introduced to an understanding of the mind I’d not been aware of before. Here were scientific principles that explain all human behaviour, performance and motivation – without exception. It turned my view of how we function and experience our world inside out, literally! I realised that I was not up against what I thought and from that moment, without any conscious effort, life just got simpler, easier and lighter.

Putting It All together

In real terms how did this exhibit itself? My productivity soared, leading my team was more rewarding and less stressful, decision making became straightforward, relationships were more fulfilling and, overall, I felt consistently more confident and settled. Life became uncomplicated.

Experiencing Effortless Change

The Invisible Performance Factor

How had I missed this, given my career and interest in human development? This missing piece in the performance, happiness and wellbeing equation is invisible, which means most of us are unaware of it and when it is visible it is generally misunderstood. Once you accurately see how your thinking and experience occurs things change naturally for the better – this is genuine transformation. 

Karen Auld has the skills and experience to improve your staff's performance. All workshops and programs are tailored to your staff for maximum engagement


I have a broad business background which includes customer service, sales and client management, 10 years with BSkyb TV in commercial and talent development roles, interim and project positions in the financial sector and over 15 years entrepreneurial experience running my own consultancy business.

I’m CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) and FIPI (Federation of Image Professionals International) qualified, trained as a coach and a Principles based practitioner and I bring a wealth of business experience and learning and development expertise to areas where our thinking and mental processes affect our behaviour and impact our personal and business results.

My interest in people and performance means my focus is on encouraging and supporting people to succeed in what they do personally and professionally. It is possible to do this in a way that gets results and is humanly satisfying. 


“I attended my first workshop three years ago, presented by the fabulous Karen Auld. Little did I know that it would be one of the most significant turning points in my life. During that day Karen’s presentation removed fear, anxiety, anger and guilt from my being. Instantly my life felt easier and for the first time in a long time I felt peaceful. I began to experience life and I noticed that wonderful things started happening. I felt real happiness.

Fast forward to my recent refresher workshop and one on one session where I was able to take my learning to a new level. Being reminded of these three Principles prompted me to see where I had drifted from my initial realisation. Life challenges have once again lost their power, my sense of internal quietness has returned and I can let my mind just be. I choose to live in gratitude and happiness.

I am sharing these Principles with my children, my family, friends and colleagues in the knowledge they too can remove judgement and truly experience life’s moments.”

Testimonial from Crystal McGregor - Who attended a Health & well-being Workshop

Crystal McGregor

Company Director/Start Up Co-founder, NSW, Australia

Understanding the nature of the mind changes everything

Tangible results by paying attention to better thinking 

Achieving what matters to you